Monday Jul 15, 2024
Fanfiction Theatre Podcast Trailer
Monday Jul 15, 2024
Monday Jul 15, 2024
Coming soon! Fanfiction Theatre in podcast form! Since 2020, we've been streaming the show on Twitch; since 2022, we've been putting edited videos on YouTube; now, Tristan has reworked the show for a new medium, including lavish sound design and music to accentuate key moments. We read fanfiction, provide voice acting, and crack jokes, and we invite you to join us on our descent into madness as we delve into such topics as Marvel's Venom and Frozen's Elsa falling in love, Reba being Left Behind after the rapture, the cast of Dance Dance Revolution fighting terrorism, Sonic the Hedgehog learning what it takes to be a prince, and, hey, wouldn't Super Mario be a more interesting character if he struggled with PTSD from his adventures?
Fanfiction Theatre performs stories of various lengths, and this podcast will feature several long-form works that give us plenty of time to fall in love with the characters (and our interpretations of them) and get invested in the ridiculous plots they live out. And, of course, we would be remiss if we did not lampoon my own Star Wars fic from junior high. We even read some AI-generated stories, which provide fascinating insight into what robots think Tamagotchi think about (haircuts and their Twitter follower-count). All this and more awaits you, dear listener, on the original, the one, the only, Fanfiction Theatre!
Music used in this trailer is "Someone Else's Memories" by Revolution Void, via the Free Music Archive: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Revolution_Void/The_Politics_of_Desire
Thursday Aug 01, 2024
Ash Ketchum F*cking Snaps
Thursday Aug 01, 2024
Thursday Aug 01, 2024
In our inaugural episode, we read the accurately titled if not accurately spelled “Junko Enoshima Abducts Evey Fireside Girl Except Katie and Isabella,” which was submitted to us by the author, Taeko Yasuhiro, a.k.a. MyNameIsCelestiaLudenberg. The sentence structure may be poor, and there may be only a handful of punctuation marks and capital letters to be found, but you're sure to be moved by its story of an evil mastermind being conquered by the love and determination of about 23 characters, all of whom are listed by name. And "the beak suit." The beak suit did most of the conquering, I think.
THEN, we press on to read the beginning of one of our most seminal series: “Ultimate Betrayal, Sweet Revenge,” a Pokemon story in which Ash Ketchum's friends and mother hold an intervention to tell him to give up his dream of being the very best like no one ever was. He does not take it well. Whom can Ash trust? Where will he go after being rejected by 82% of the people in his life? Why does Mewtwo have an Irish accent? All will be revealed.
Theme music by Visager. Additional music performed by Neal O'Doan and Mauro Tortorelli.
Thursday Aug 15, 2024
Absolute Law
Thursday Aug 15, 2024
Thursday Aug 15, 2024
After Ash Ketchum was betrayed by his friends and family, who told him to give up on his dream of ever winning a championship, Ash fled to Mt. Silver. This next chapter starts with a fifteen-year time jump. But, despite more time passing than he had previously been alive for, starting a family, and mastering the use of his "aura" to literally talk to pokemon, that fateful childhood disagreement is still the defining moment of Ash's life… and it's only a matter of time before that wound is reopened.
We also begin a new series this episode: The Neopets epic "Faerie Wars I: The Six Kingdoms," which was published in the Neopian Times. While you can listen to it in the full VODs, the edited version of this one's a podcast-exclusive. The story follows sisters Uriele and Nereza, a Light and Dark faerie, respectively, who are each gifted in different ways and are being trained to one day lead their tribe. The Light faerie Uriele has a habit of disregarding the rules, however, and indeed certain ethical boundaries as well…
Music featured in this episode includes tracks by Beat Mekanik, Komiku, and Jo Wandrini. The Fanfiction Theatre intro and outro musicare by Visager. These tracks and most of the other sound effects and musical cues were sourced variously through The Free Music Archive, Freesound.org, and EpidemicSound.
Ultimate Betrayal, Sweet Revenge was deleted from Fanfiction.net years ago, so we have chosen not to reveal the author's username.“The Faerie Wars I: The Six Kingdoms” was written by DrewDrop26.
Thursday Aug 29, 2024
Keep Reading Until Somebody Gets Murdered IRL
Thursday Aug 29, 2024
Thursday Aug 29, 2024
In "Ultimate Betrayal…" Ash muses about the dark emotions he feels towards those who told him he would never be the very best like no-one ever was, and, when they meet again in a heated confrontation, he doesn't need words to let them know exactly where they stand.
Then, in the Neopets epic "Faerie Wars I: The Six Kingdoms," dark faerie Nereza learns what her light sister Uriele is capable of, and finds it deeply disturbing.
Finally, we read a one-off "possible first chapter" of something called the "Dr. Who Harry Potter Crossover Challenge." Will we be able to rise to the occasion? Will we even be able to decipher the parameters of the "challenge" it puts forward?
Music featured in this episode includes tracks by Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen and Rayo Z. The Fanfiction Theatre intro and outro music are by Visager.
Ultimate Betrayal, Sweet Revenge was deleted from Fanfiction.net years ago, so we have chosen not to reveal the author's username. “The Faerie Wars I: The Six Kingdoms” was written by DrewDrop26, and “The Dr. Who Harry Potter Crossover Challenge” was written by Darth Tython, who, to their credit, did go back and fix some of the grammar at some point.
Thursday Sep 12, 2024
A Cat Without a Can Opener
Thursday Sep 12, 2024
Thursday Sep 12, 2024
After the death of the faerie sisters' mother, Nereza confronts Morwen about her complicity, and Morwen lets loose a torrent of bullshit to cover her ass. Then, in “Ultimate Betrayal…” the big tournament begins, and Misty loses her shit battling Ash’s daughter Jade. Finally, we close with an auto-generated story about Pepe LePew that turns out darker and more surreal than we expected, prompting comparisons to Lost Highway and planting a creative seed in Michael's mind for a fanfic we'll read later on.
Stadium crowd sounds by cuauh89 and ikbenraar, and pasture storm sounds by Bruno Auzet, via FreeSound.org. The jazz music during the Pepe LePew story is by Julius H. The Fanfiction Theatre intro and outro tracks are by Visager.
Ultimate Betrayal, Sweet Revenge was deleted from Fanfiction.net years ago, so we have chosen not to reveal the author's username. “The Faerie Wars I: The Six Kingdoms” was written by DrewDrop26, and The Pepe LePew story was written by the now defunct Inferkit text generator.
Saturday Oct 12, 2024
Re-Gifting Murder
Saturday Oct 12, 2024
Saturday Oct 12, 2024
Brock pleads for Ash's forgiveness, and then it's back to thrilling pokemon violence as Saphire Ketchum puts the smack-down on another traitor, Max Maple, who, since we learned his last lame, we naturally give a Canadian accent. Then, the faeries Nereza and Urielle deal with the death of their mother at the hands of a fire tribe raid, and one othem swears rational, cold-blooded revenge. Lastly, it was then that we dove into a new story: “Venom’s New Beginning,” a Spider-Man / Frozen crossover in which Queen Elsa falls in love with our gruff antihero.
This episode of Fanfiction Theatre was recorded in the Fall of 2020.Stadium crowd sounds by cuauh89 and ikbenraar via FreeSound.org. Music for Faerie Wars by Komiku. The Fanfiction Theatre intro and outro tracks are by Visager.
Ultimate Betrayal, Sweet Revenge was deleted from Fanfiction.net years ago, so we have chosen not to reveal the author's username. “The Faerie Wars I: The Six Kingdoms” was written by DrewDrop26, and “Spiderman: Venom’s New Beginning” was written by Manoftheyear1989
Fanfiction Theatre is produced by McQueen Creative and The Order of the League.If you like what you hear, please consider supporting us at ko-fi.com/tootlThat's k o - f i dot com slash t o o t l for The Order of the League

A Celebration of Naïve Writing
Sturgeon's Law posits that 90% of everything is crud, but when it comes to fanfiction, well, I'd wager that ratio gets even steeper. I unironically applaud all those mad lads penning novel-length odes to their blorbos, and some of them are quite talented, but the absurdity of most fanworks cannot be denied, and why should it be? We live in an absurd reality. Let's laugh at the audactiy of amateur artists and delight in the simple joy of malapropism. Let every transformative typo lead us deeper into madness as we shed the opressive pretense of coherent meaning. That's what Fanfiction Theatre is all about, baby! A celebration of naïve writing, in all of its foibles, flaws, and unintentional hilarity.

Submit to us!
If you have fanfiction that you think we would have a good time reading, or if you’ve made fan art based on our show, send us a link at fanficnight@orderoftheleague.com and we’ll read / share it on the stream / podcast and on social media. We generally keep the show PG-13, so keep that in mind when sending us content.